Catching UP!

"The Artist's Way"
by Julia Cameron
I did the Artist's Way and read the book over a 12 week period. The exercises opened my mind and lifted my creativity to new heights. I feel ready to take on new challenges!

"In a Sunburned Country"
by Bill Bryson
I adore Bill Bryson's writing and after getting a few of his books from the library for my parents, I noticed that I had neglected to actually read this one. What a delightfully funny and educational book on Australia. It left me wondering about the aborginals and wanting a trip to Australia.

"Devil in Winter"
by Lisa Kleypas
Because sometimes on a rainy Saturday, you just want to read a thrashy romance novel and this one was good! I really enjoyed it but am now wondering if I missed the second one in this series. Might be another trashy novel reading session coming on soon!
Books read in 2006: 16 (or 51% done)

"The Artist's Way"
by Julia Cameron
I did the Artist's Way and read the book over a 12 week period. The exercises opened my mind and lifted my creativity to new heights. I feel ready to take on new challenges!

"In a Sunburned Country"
by Bill Bryson
I adore Bill Bryson's writing and after getting a few of his books from the library for my parents, I noticed that I had neglected to actually read this one. What a delightfully funny and educational book on Australia. It left me wondering about the aborginals and wanting a trip to Australia.

"Devil in Winter"
by Lisa Kleypas
Because sometimes on a rainy Saturday, you just want to read a thrashy romance novel and this one was good! I really enjoyed it but am now wondering if I missed the second one in this series. Might be another trashy novel reading session coming on soon!
Books read in 2006: 16 (or 51% done)