Slow Reading

"Better Than Chocolate"
by Susan Waggoner
My Mom gave me this book and while I feared it might be hokey, it was highly amusing. I especially loved this book because it dealt with food publicists and since that is what I do, I really appreciated it. A good quick read!

"Guns, Germs and Steel"
by Jared Diamond
It took me almost a year to read this book but I enjoyed every moment. I learned more about the world than I ever did in any college class. I almost wished that Jared Diamond been one of my professors. His knowledge is vast and his teachings eye opening. I would highly recommend this book to everyone. Now I can't wait to read Collapse, his follow-up book to Guns, Germs and Steel.
Books read in 2006: 18 (or 58% done)

"Better Than Chocolate"
by Susan Waggoner
My Mom gave me this book and while I feared it might be hokey, it was highly amusing. I especially loved this book because it dealt with food publicists and since that is what I do, I really appreciated it. A good quick read!

"Guns, Germs and Steel"
by Jared Diamond
It took me almost a year to read this book but I enjoyed every moment. I learned more about the world than I ever did in any college class. I almost wished that Jared Diamond been one of my professors. His knowledge is vast and his teachings eye opening. I would highly recommend this book to everyone. Now I can't wait to read Collapse, his follow-up book to Guns, Germs and Steel.
Books read in 2006: 18 (or 58% done)